Tag Archive for: Muslim Convert

How Can a Newly Muslim Convert Handle Difficulty Finding Halal Meat?

Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I am a 21-year-old…

What Are Some Suggestions for a Recent Convert to Islam?

Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question Is www.seekersguidance.org…

I Am a Convert and Live With My Adopted Parents. What Are My Obligations to Them?

Question: I am a convert and live with my adopted parents. What…
Muslim Convert

“The Only White Muslim In The Village”

Discovering that a childhood friend was Muslim began David’s…
Muslim Convert

Muslim Convert: Salat And A Little Bit Of Chocolate And Life Looks A Lot Better

Growing up in the South, Mujahid was introduced to Islam in the…
Muslim Convert

Muslim Convert: Muslims “walking the talk” and following Jesus more closely?

How are Muslims “walking the talk” and following the teachings…
Muslim Convert

Muslim Convert: What would people think of me?

Mohammed from the Philippines used to be a Christian. Friends…
Muslim Convert

Muslim Convert: Why didn’t I know the Bible the way Muslims know the Qur’an?

Ameena from Belarus used to be a Christian. But after meeting…
Muslim Convert

Muslim Convert from Buddhism: How fast can a prayer be answered?

Yuanxin from China used to be a Buddhist but Buddhism was not…