
August 18, 2022 3 mins

Monday Motivation: The Impact of Service

Our most respected Human Development Manager and brother, sidi Jamaaludeen Khan, has been sharing Monday Motivation on our online Headquarters for our Seekers Family: teachers, staff, students, and interns. Jamaaludeen Khan Over the next six months, I’ll share a Monday Motivation with you all. I hope that you find some benefit in these writings. All […]
August 20, 2020 2 mins

Muharram: The Islamic Calendar’s January | A Reader

The new Islamic year is almost upon us and although setting New Year’s Resolutions based on the Islamic calendar isn’t a common practice, there are a few things we should do; reflect over the previous year and take a moment to assess our accomplishments, and think about how we can make the next Islamic year […]
July 11, 2020 1 min

The Dowra 2020: A Spiritual Lighthouse

With so many plans disrupted this year and put off by Covid-19, the believer knows that nothing is ever purely evil and even the darkest of places will have at least a speck of light.  Tarim is the lighthouse. This year they’re offering their summer course online. This summer course, or dowrah, has been held […]
June 18, 2020 6 mins

One-Year Specialization Certificate in Islamic Theology, Logic and Contemporary ...

In the Name of Allah, Merciful and Compassionate, with blessings and peace upon our Master Muhammad, his folk and companions. Program Description This is a one-year Specialization Certificate Program in Islamic Theology, Logic and Contemporary Challenges. It covers Level Four of the SeekersGuidance Islamic Studies Curriculum in ‘Aqīda (Islamic beliefs), and Level Three of Manṭiq […]
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