Dying Upon Love of Allah — the Beautiful Counsel of al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib to His Son
Imam Bayhaqi relates in his Shu’ab al-Iman that when al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib—the uncle of the Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him and his folk)—was on the verge of death, he said to his son:
“O Abd Allah! I counsel you to:
(1) love Allah (Mighty and Majestic),
(2) and to love His obedience;
(3) to have fear of Allah,
(4) and fear of His disobedience.“If you are this way, then you will not dislike dying when death comes to you
“I counsel you to regarding Allah, my dear child.”
“Then al-Abbas turned towards the Qibla, said, “La ilaha illa’l Llah (‘There is no god but God’),” raised his gaze, and died.”
[Bayhaqi, Shu’ab al-Iman, 2.15]
Translated By Shaykh Faraz Rabbani